Omobola Johnson, the Minister of Communication Technology of Nigeria, has said that government hopes to find a balance between security considerations on one hand and privacy of Nigerians in deploying ICTs to address security threats.
The Minister spoke at the ITU’s sixth World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC), held at the Dubai World Trade Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on theme, “Broadband for Sustainable Development.”
“We extend our cooperation to stakeholders that can help us to achieve this”, she told the international gathering organized by the ITU, the UN specialized agency that coordinates the global ICT industry.
ICTs, which are tools for “unprecedented social advancements”, because they are open are also the one used by criminal elements and networks to “accomplish criminal acts and perpetrate fear”, the CommTech Minister told the forum in a policy update on how Nigeria is advancing the growth and development of ICT in the delivery of government services and across sectors of the Nigerian economy in the video below: